laying the foundation of 'The White House', while waiting for moon to enter Virgo.
Did you know, George Washington: The first president of United States, when laying the first brick of the white house foundation, waited for the moon to enter the sign of Virgo before he laid that brick? The world governments use this science everyday to make major decisions, and you don't have to ask me, just ask any Freemason, or Illuminati, and they'll tell you, They not only pray to Ra, they pray to the Planet Saturn, which the most wealth and power giving planet, even more powerful than the sun and Venus.
The major point of my book is not to make you switch your belief system, spiritual or religious. This has been done before, and people have failed, as you can never make anyone change their belief system when its in the context of religion. However, my point is to give you the truth, the absolute mathematical truth. If your belief system says 2+2= 3.5, then that's fine, I will not tell you you're wrong, because that is what you believe, but, let me show you why 2+2=4, and if you want to take this as the truth and scientific honest answer then you're welcome, if not, you're still welcome. Everyone is free to follow their heart, as all paths lead to one god. Astrology is one subject however that can be scrutinized, as much as it gets praised. It's the most ancient of religion, yes, religion, some cultures, like Hindu, Egyptian, and Mayan followed astrology as a religion, this is why Astrology is in my blood.
Vedic Astrology, which is quite similar to Mayan and Egyptian astrology, has the most precis mathematical calculation up to a single degree, to give you the true position of 'your' planets in any given chart. Many people look at their horoscopes on weekly, monthly and yearly basis, which is like reading a book blind folded. It doesn't help at all. Why is it that you want to read the 'inaccurate' future of yourself, when the universe has laid out a clear map of the stars for you to follow. This method has nothing to do with race or religion, it has everything to do with universal science and mathematics.
Many of you look for the 'Best Astrology website' on Internet, but why search for the website, when a book will tell you A-Z in the quickiest format. You will not only get the history of true astrology, but you know be able to practice this on your own. You will be able to read the most complicated of astrology charts.
Bollywood Film starts today, from Amitabh Bachchan to Salman Khan and Ashwarya Rai, all follow the ancient science of Vedic astrology. They consult the top astrologers and numerologist, change their signatures, looks, appearance and name for this celestial science. gemstone therapy has also become a cornerstone of success in mystical world; Amitabh Bachchan wears two blue sapphires, opal and emerald on his right hand, which has become his actual identity. I witnessed it in front myself, as Amitabh Bachchan's career went from the gutters in late 1990's, to giving him a whole new life of super in the new millennium. But do not think gemstones were first meant to be for astrology. Astrology never had gem theray in their ancient 'vedic' text. Gem therapy was provided to us from Egypt.
Horoscope is not a pop-culture phenomenon, or a pass time reading at a dentist office. Horoscope is the answer to every single question you have about yourself & your loved ones.